Saturday, 28 December 2013

Auction Rooms Cafe

Hello Fellow Nom Seekers!

I love the interiors (and the food) of Auction Rooms Café.  It is situated in the old WB Ellis Auction House in North Melbourne and the interior is all about exposed brickwork and ducts.  It's all very hipster without looking contrived. 

The Auction Rooms boast good coffee.  Apparently they are a coffee roastery as well being a café serving modern Australian cuisine.  However not being a coffee drinker, I just admired the barista set up and ordered a chai instead.

 For lunch, the group of us ordered the following:

Slow cooked rabbit shoulders with butter poached prawns, green garlic aioli and sweet pepper sauce.  I'm a rabbit virgin and I must say I was pleasantly surprised by how tender yet lean the rabbit meat was.  It was delicious.  The cayenne seasoning in the rabbit complemented the underlying braised capsicums.  The prawns were a bit unexpected with a slow cooked rabbit dish but I'm not complaining as I love prawns and I love aioli.  Case of good things combining. 

Pastrami sandwich on fresh rye with wholegrain mustard, baby cos wedge salad.  The pastrami was delightfully savoury and briny.  It was jaw dislocatingly huge which made me very happy. 

Olive oil poached blue eye with soft omelette, pippis, chrysanthemum and steamed bun.  This was my least favourite dish of the bunch.  Whilst I understand blue eye is a firm fish, this was disconcertingly firm which I suspect was from the confit method of cooking.  I ordered this for my seven year old Bubbachuck and she barely touched the fish even though she is a fish lover.  She just ate the pippis (nice and juicy) and the salad leaves.  It was a bit of a waste. 

Sunshine salad.  This was the pick of the bunch.  The salad was composed of quinoa and various seeds.  The lovely thing about this dish was the honeyed ricotta combining the salad and in the stuffing of the zucchini flowers.  Yum and good for you. 

The deets:

Auction Rooms Café
103 Errol Street, North Melbourne VIC 3051
ph:  03 9326 7769

Approximately $90 for the above meal

Casual dining

Nom Again:
Most definitely but will be sure to book as there was a queue. 

Auction Rooms on Urbanspoon

Until next time,
Nom Seeker, Glutt

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